Date Title Expiry date
01.10.2018 The company announces a tender for the purchase of the following equipment: 20.10.2018





The company announces a tender for the purchase of the following equipment:


I. Subject of the tender


Product Name





Personal computer for the supply manager

Processor: Intel Core i3. Processor parameters 3.00MHz Number of cores: 4 Integrated graphics card RAM: 4 GB Type of RAM: DDR3 1600MHz Hard drive 512 Gb Toshiba (7200 RPM / SATA3 6.0Gb/s) Ethernet: 10/100/1000 Mbps USB 2.0 interface: 4 x (2x Front, 2x Back) USB 3.0 interface: 2 x USB 3.0 (Back) Expansion slots: 1xPCI-E x16 PCI Express 2.0 Number of memory slots 2 (DDR3 DIMM, 1066-1600 MHz) Number of SATA3 connectors (6Gb/s) 1 x VGA System unit: HP Power supply: 450W AVTECH. Monitor: Samsung 19. keyboard+mouse





Personal computer for the secretary








Logitech C930 Full HD Webcam


Full HD webcam type, Matrix –, Maximum resolution 1920x1080, Connection - USB 2.0, Microphone – available, Autofocus – automatic, Backlight - available, Additional information video recording and calls in Full HD 1080p format at 30 frames\second; stereo microphone with noise cancellation; USB 3.0 support; Carl Zeiss lens, Zoom 4x




Hard Disk

Model: TOSHIBA, Capacity: 1TB, SATA3, 7200rpm, 64 MB








II. Deadline for submitting commercial proposals – until 20.10.2018


III. Delivery terms – Delivery to the factory


IV. Payment terms – 15% prepayment, 85% upon delivery of the goods.


V. Required documents :


- Commercial proposal (with payment terms and delivery deadlines)


- License


- Certificate


Contact phone: +99897 339 97 81



01.10.2018 The company announces a tender for the purchase of IP telephony and video conferencing equipment. 15.10.2018




Компания объявляет конкурс на закупку Оборудований IP-телефонии и видео-конференц связи.


I.Предмет конкурса

Наименование Спецификация Кол-во (шт.)
1.0 R-CBE6K-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000-Electronic SW Delivery-Top Level 1
1.1 BE6K-SW-11.5 Business Edition 6000 v11.5 export restricted software 1
1.2 BE6K-START-MTG35 BE6000 Starter Bundle with 35 UWL Meetings Licenses 1
1.3 FIRST-MTG Select when first ordering or upgrading CUWL Meetings licens 1
1.4 UCXN-11X-UWLPRO BE6000 Unity Connection v11 CUWL Professional License 35
1.5 CCX-11-PAK CCX 11 autoexpanded  PAK 1
1.6 CCX-11-E-SVR-LIC CCX 11.0 NEW ENH Server License 1
1.8 SME-11-UWL Session Manager 11.0 Auto-expanding user for licensing 7
1.9 UCXN-11X-SCPORTS BE6K - Unity Connection 11x - VM Speech Connect Ports 2
1.10 LIC-TMS-APL-S80100 TMS Serial Number included with Base Software 1
1.11 SW-TMS-15.X-K9 TMS Base Software Image Version 15.X 1
1.12 LIC-EXP-MSFT-PMP Microsoft Interoperability Option 1
1.13 LIC-EXP-RMS-PMP RMS Licensing included with PMP & SMP 6
1.14 LIC-TMS-25-PMP Cisco TMS - Additional 25 Direct Managed Systems 1
1.15 LIC-TMS-EX25-PMP TMS Exchange integration for 25 Systems 1
1.16 LIC-TMS-PMP-PAK TMS PAK for Configuration Use 1
1.17 LIC-EXP-E-PAK Expressway Series, Expressway-E PAK 1
1.18 LIC-EXP-GW Enable GW Feature (H323-SIP) 4
1.19 LIC-EXP-E Enable Expressway-E Feature Set 2
1.20 LIC-EXP-TURN Enable TURN Relay Option 2
1.21 LIC-EXP-AN Enable Advanced Networking Option 2
1.22 LIC-SW-EXP-K9 License Key Software Encrypted 4
1.23 LIC-EXP-SERIES Enable Expressway Series Feature Set 4
1.24 R-WBXMTSVR-UWL-K9 Webex Meetings Server 3.x Software Kit 1
1.25 WBXMTSVR2-UWLUSRK9 WebEx Meetings Server 2.x Users 35
1.26 BE6K-UXL-START BE6K Starter Pack - Single Fulfillment Enforcement 1
1.27 UCM-11X-UWLMTG BE6000 UCM v11 CUWL Professional User License 35
1.28 BE6K-PAK Cisco Business Edition 6000 - PAK - Single Fulfillment 1
1.29 LIC-EXP-DSK Expressway Desktop Endpoint License 70
1.30 LIC-CMS-PMP+USER 1 CMS (Cisco Meeting Server) PMP PLUS User License 35 CON-ECMU-LICCMSMP SWSS UPGRADES 1 CMS (Cisco Meeting 35
1.31 SW-EXP-8.X-K9 Software Image for Expressway with Encryption, Version X8 1
1.32 EXPWY-VE-E-K9 Cisco Expressway-E Server, Virtual Edition 2
1.33 BE-UWL-11X-MTG BE6000 CUWL Meetings 11.x Users - Service Use Only 35 CON-ECMU-BEUWL11T SWSS UPGRADES BE6000 CUWL Meetings 11.x Users - Serv 35
1.34 EXPWY-VE-C-K9 Cisco Expressway-C Server, Virtual Edition 2
1.35 LIC-CMS-PAK Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) PAK 1
1.36 CCX-11-5E CCX 11 Enhanced 5 seat Promo Bundle 1
1.37 BE6K-UCL-ESS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect License 56
1.38 UCM-11X-ESS-UCL BE6K UCM 11X Essential User Connect Lic-Single Fulfillment 56 CON-ECMU-UCMESSUC SWSS UPGRADES BE6K UCM 10X Essenti 56
1.0.1 CON-ECMU-RCBE6KK SWSS UPGRADES Cisco Business Editi 1
2.0 ISR4331-VSEC/K9 Cisco ISR 4331 Bundle with UC & Sec Lic, PVDM4-32, CUBE-10 1
2.1 SL-4330-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4330 Series 1
2.2 SL-4330-UC-K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco ISR 4330 Series 1
2.3 MEM-4300-4GU8G 4G to 8G DRAM Upgrade (4G+4G) for Cisco ISR 4330,4350 1
2.4 MEM-FLSH-4U8G 4G to 8G eUSB Flash Memory Upgrade for Cisco ISR 4300 1
2.5 PVDM4-32U64 PVDM4 32-channel to 64-channel factory upgrade 1
2.6 PWR-4330-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4330 1
2.7 CAB-ACE AC Power Cord (Europe), C13, CEE 7, 1.5M 1
2.8 SL-4330-SEC-K9 Security License for Cisco ISR 4330 Series 1
2.9 NIM-BLANK Blank faceplate for NIM slot on Cisco ISR 4400 2
2.10 FL-CUBEE-5 Unified Border Element Enterprise License - 5 sessions 2
2.11 SM-S-BLANK Removable faceplate for SM slot on Cisco 2900,3900,4400 ISR 1
2.12 SISR4300UK9-316S Cisco ISR 4300 Series IOS XE Universal 1
2.0.1 CON-SNT-ISR4331VS SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco ISR 4331 Bundle with UC Sec Lic, 1
3.0 ISR4321-VSEC/K9 Cisco ISR 4321 Bundle w/UC & SEC License, CUBE-10 2
3.1 SL-4320-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4320 Series 2
3.2 SL-4320-UC-K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco ISR 4320 Series 2
3.3 NIM-ES2-8-P 8-port POE/POE+ Layer 2 GE Switch Network Interface Module 2
3.4 PVDM4-32 32-channel DSP module 2
3.5 PWR-4320-POE-AC AC Power Supply with POE for Cisco ISR 4320 2
3.6 CAB-C15-ACE AC Power Cord (Europe), C15, CEE 7, 2.5m 2
3.7 MEM-FLSH-4G 4G Flash Memory for Cisco ISR 4300 (Soldered on motherboard) 2
3.8 MEM-4320-4G 4G DRAM for Cisco ISR 4320 (Soldered on motherboard) 2
3.9 SL-4320-SEC-K9 Security License for Cisco ISR 4320 Series 2
3.10 NIM-BLANK Blank faceplate for NIM slot on Cisco ISR 4400 2
3.11 FL-CUBEE-5 Unified Border Element Enterprise License - 5 sessions 4 CON-PSBU-FL5CUBEE PSS SWSS UPGRADES Unified Border Element Enterprise Licens 4
3.12 SISR4300UK9-316S Cisco ISR 4300 Series IOS XE Universal 2
3.0.1 CON-SNT-IR4321VS SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco ISR 4321 Bundle with UC SEC Lice 2
4.0 CP-DX80-K9= Cisco DX80  1
4.1 CP-PWR-CORD-CE Power Cord, Central Europe 1
4.0.1 CON-SNT-CPDX80KG SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco DX80 1
5.0 CP-8845-K9= Cisco IP Phone 8845 5
5.0.1 CON-SNT-CP8845K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco IP Phone 8845 5
6.0 CP-8831-EU-K9= Cisco 8831 Base/Control Panel for APAC, EMEA, & Australia 3
6.1 CP-8831-DCU-S Spare Cisco 8831 Display Control Unit (DCU) 3
6.0.1 CON-SNT-CP8831K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco 8831 IP Confer Phone w/ controller 3
7.0 CP-8831-MIC-WLS-E= Cisco 8831 Wireless Microphone Kit 3
7.0.1 CON-SNT-CPL8831M SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco 8831 Wireless 3
8.0 CP-7861-K9= Cisco UC Phone 7861 1
8.0.1 CON-SNT-CP7861K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco UC Phone 7861 1
9.0 CP-7821-K9= Cisco UC Phone 7821 13
9.0.1 CON-SNT-CP7821K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco UC Phone 7821 13
10.0 CP-3905= Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3905, Charcoal, Standard Handset 68
10.0.1 CON-SNT-CP3905 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3905, Charcoal, 68
11.0 BE6H-M5-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000H (M5) Appliance, Export Restr SW 2
11.0.1 CON-SNT-BE6HM5K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Business Edition 6000H (M5) Applia 2
11.1 BE6K-PSU Cisco UCS 770W AC Power Supply for Rack Server 4
11.2 BE6H-NIC1 Intel i350 Quad Port 1Gb Adapter 2
11.3 BE6K-RAIDCTRLR Cisco 12G Modular RAID controller with 2GB cache 2
11.4 BE6K-DISK 300GB 12G SAS 10K RPM SFF HDD 16
11.5 R2XX-RAID5 Enable RAID 5 Setting 2
11.6 BE6K-RAM 16GB DDR4-2666-MHz RDIMM/PC4-21300/single rank/x4/1.2v 8
11.7 BE6K-CPU 2.2 GHz 4114/85W 10C/13.75MB Cache/DDR4 2400MHz 4
11.8 CAB-9K10A-EU Power Cord, 250VAC 10A CEE 7/7 Plug, EU 4
11.9 VMW-VS6-HYPPLS-K9 Embedded License, Cisco UC Virt. Hypervisor Plus 6.x (2-cpu) 2
12.0 CTI-CMS-1K-BUN-K9 Cisco Meeting Server 1000 Bundle 1
12.1 CTI-CMS-1000-K9 Cisco Meeting Server 1000 1
12.1.1 CAB-9K10A-EU Power Cord, 250VAC 10A CEE 7/7 Plug, EU 2
12.1.2 CMS1K-SW-2X Cisco Meeting server 1000 sw preload 1
12.1.3 CIT3-CPU-E52695E 2.10 GHz E5-2695 v4/120W 18C/45MB Cache/DDR4 2400MHz 2
12.1.4 CIT3-HD300G10K12G 300GB 12G SAS 10K RPM SFF HDD 2
12.1.5 CIT3-PSU1-770W 770W AC Hot-Plug Power Supply for 1U C-Series Rack Server 2
12.1.6 R2XX-RAID1 Enable RAID 1 Setting 1
12.1.7 CIT3-MR-1X081RV-A 8GB DDR4-2400-MHz RDIMM/PC4-19200/single rank/x4/1.2v 8
12.1.8 CIT3-MRAID12G Cisco 12G SAS Modular Raid Controller 1 CON-SNT-CTICMS1K SNTC 8X5XNBD Cisco Meeting Server 1000 1
12.2 R-CMS-K9 Virtual Edition Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) 1 CON-ECMU-RCMSK9 SWSS UPGRADES Virtual Edition Cisc 1
12.2.1 LIC-CMS-PAK Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) PAK 1
12.2.2 SW-CMS-2X-K9 Cisco Meeting  Server (CMS) 2.x Software image 1 CON-ECMU-SWCM2XK9 SWSS UPGRADES Cisco Meeting  Serve 1
12.2.3 LIC-CMS-K9 Cisco Meeting Server Release key (encryption enabled) 1 CON-ECMU-LICCMSLG SWSS UPGRADES Cisco Meeting Server 1
12.3 VMW-VSP-STD-1A= VMware vSphere 6 Standard (1 CPU), 1-yr, Support Required 2 CON-ISV1-VSXSTD1A VSphere Standard for 1 CPU; ANNUAL List 1-YR Reqd 2
12.3.1 UCS-VMW-TERMS Acceptance of Terms, Standalone VMW License for UCS Servers 2
13.0 CTS-SX10N-K9 SX10 HD w/ wall mount, int 5x cam, mic and power supply 1
13.0.1 CON-ECDN-CTSSX1NK ESS WITH 8X5XNBD SX10 HD w/ wall mount, int 5x cam and mi 1
13.1 PWR-CORD-EUR-A Pwr Cord Euro 1.8m Black YP-23 To YC-12 1
13.2 LIC-CE-CRYPTO-K9 License key to activate sw encryption module 1
13.3 BRKT-SX10-SMK SX10 Screen Mount Kit 1
13.4 CAB-HDMI-MULT-9M Cisco Multi-head Cable (1080p) 1
13.5 CTS-MIC-TABL20 Cisco TelePresence Table Microphone 20 1 CON-ECDN-CTSMICT2 ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Cisco TelePresence Table Microphone 20 1
13.6 LIC-SMP+EP Shared Multiparty License for 1 Concurrent Meeting 1 CON-ECMU-LICSMPEP SWSS UPGRADES Shared Multiparty Li 1
13.7 LIC-TP-ROOM-11.X Choose if VCS or for CUCM version 11.x TP-Room License 1
13.8 CAB-2HDMI-2M HDMI-HDMI cab, 2m auto expand 1
13.9 BRKT-SX10-WMK SX10 Wall Mount 1
13.10 LIC-CMS-PAK Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) PAK 1
13.11 LIC-EXP-RMS-PMP RMS Licensing included with PMP & SMP 1
13.12 LIC-TP-SMP-INC Shared Multiparty License for 1 Concurrent Meeting for XC/TS 1
13.13 CAB-ETH-5M Ethernet cable (5m) for auto expand 1
13.14 CTS-SX10NCODEC SX10 Codec 1
13.15 LIC-CMS-SMP Shared Multiparty License for 1 Concurrent Meeting for CMS 1
13.16 LIC-EXPE-PMP-PAK Expressway Series, Expressway-E PAK 1
13.17 PWR-SX10-AC+ Power supply for SX10 1
13.19 LIC-VMCNDTR-PMP-PK PAK for virtual Conductor 1
13.20 LIC-EXP-ROOM Expressway Room License 1
13.21 SW-S52030-CE9-K9 SW Image for SX10 1
13.22 CTS-RMT-TRC6 Remote Control TRC 6 1
14.0 CS-TOUCH10= Cisco Touch 10 controller for endpoints Spare 1
14.0.1 CON-SNT-CTLDV10 SNTC-8X5XNBD Touch 10 Control Dev 1
15.0 ASA5508-K9 ASA 5508-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, 3DES/AES 1
15.1 CAB-ACE AC Power Cord (Europe), C13, CEE 7, 1.5M 1
15.2 SF-ASA-K-9.8.2-K8 Cisco ASA 9.8.2 Software image for ASA 5506/5508/5516 series 1
15.3 SF-ASA-FP6.2.2-K9 Cisco FirePOWER Software v6.2.2 for ASA 5500-X 1
15.4 ASA5508-CTRL-LIC Cisco ASA5508 Control License 1
15.5 ASA5508-SSD ASA 5508-X SSD 1
15.6 ASA5500-SC-5 ASA 5500 5 Security Contexts License 1
15.7 ASA5500-ENCR-K9 ASA 5500 Strong Encryption License (3DES/AES) 1
15.0.1 CON-SNT-ASA5508K SNTC-8X5XNBD ASA 5508-X with Fire 1
16.0 WS-C3650-24TS-E Cisco Catalyst 3650 24 Port Data 4x1G Uplink IP Services 1
16.1 S3650UK9-163 UNIVERSAL 1
16.2 PWR-C2-250WAC 250W AC Config 2 Power Supply 1
16.3 PWR-C2-640WAC/2 640W AC Config 2 Secondary Power Supply 1
16.4 CAB-TA-EU Europe AC Type A Power Cable 2
16.5 CAB-CONSOLE-USB Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and mini-B 1
16.6 STACK-T2-BLANK Type 2 Stacking Blank 1
16.7 C3650-DNA-A-24 C3650 DNA Advantage, 24-port Term licenses 1 C3650-DNA-A-24-3Y C3650 DNA Advantage, 24-port, 3 Year Term license 1
16.0.1 CON-SNT-WS5024SE SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Catalyst 3650 24 Port Data 4x1G Up 1
17.0 WS-C2960X-48FPS-L Catalyst 2960-X 48 GigE PoE 740W, 4 x 1G SFP, LAN Base 4
17.1 PWR-CLP Power Retainer Clip For 3560-C, 2960-C and 2960-L Switches 4
17.2 CAB-ACE-RA Power Cord Europe, Right Angle 4
17.3 CAB-CONSOLE-USB Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and mini-B 4
17.4 C2960X-STACK Catalyst 2960-X FlexStack Plus Stacking Module 4
17.5 CAB-STK-E-0.5M Cisco FlexStack 50cm stacking cable 4
17.0.1 CON-SNT-WSC294SL SNTC-8X5XNBD Catalyst 2960-X 48 G 4
18.0 WS-C3560CX-12PC-S Cisco Catalyst 3560-CX 12 Port PoE IP Base 3
18.1 CAB-TA-EU Europe AC Type A Power Cable 3
18.2 PWR-CLP Power Retainer Clip For 3560-C, 2960-C and 2960-L Switches 3
18.3 CAB-CONSOLE-USB Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and mini-B 3
18.4 CMPCT-DIN-MNT DIN Rail Mount For 3560-CX and 2960-CX Compact Switch 3
18.5 C1F1PCAT3560CXK9 Cisco ONE Foundation Perpetual - Catalyst 3560CX 3 CON-ECMU-C1F1PCAT SWSS UPGRADES Cisco ONE Foundation 3
18.6 C1-PI-LFAS-2K3K-K9 Cisco ONE PI Device License for LF & AS  for Cat 2k, 3k 3
18.7 C1-ISE-BASE-24P Cisco ONE Identity Services Engine 50 EndPoint Base Lic 3
18.8 C1F1VCAT3560CX-02 Tracker PID v02 Fnd Perpetual CAT3560CX - no delivery 3
18.0.1 CON-SNT-WSC312PC SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Catalyst 3560-CX 12 Port PoE IP Ba 3
19.0 GLC-LH-SMD= 1000BASE-LX/LH SFP transceiver module, MMF/SMF, 1310nm, DOM 8


II. Срок предоставления коммерческих предложений: до 22.10.2018 г.


III. Условия поставки: Доставка CIP Ташкент


IV. Условия оплаты: 50% предоплата, 50% по факту поставки товара

Победитель конкурса по запросу организатора конкурса, должен будет предоставить в течении 5 дней следующие документы:

Авторизационное письмо от производителя

Копию документа о регистрации компании


V. Контакты: +998-91-6158877



01.10.2018 The company announces a tender for the purchase of kitchenware and household appliances for the kitchen. 15.10.2018

LLC "O'ZERAE Climate Control"


The company announces a tender for the purchase of kitchenware and household appliances for the kitchen.

I. Subject of the tender

No Product Name Specification Quantity Image
1 Scales Electric up to 350 kg. 1
2 Bucket Enamelled 10 liters. 2

II. Deadline for submitting commercial proposals - until 15.10.2018

III. Delivery terms - Delivery to the factory

IV. Payment terms - 15% prepayment, 85% upon delivery of the goods.

V. Required documents:

- Commercial proposal (with payment terms and delivery deadlines)

- License

- Certificate

Contact phone: +99897 339 97 81


01.10.2018 Tender for the Provision of Work and Services for Peripheral Equipment Servicing 30.11.2018

O'zERAE Climate Control LLC


Tender for the provision of works and services for the service maintenance of peripheral equipment


Organizations that are manufacturers or suppliers of the purchased products and have experience in supplying similar items, goods in corresponding volumes, may participate in the tender.


I. Subject of the tender:




Unit of Measurement


Services for the maintenance of peripheral equipment




II. Deadline for submission of commercial proposals - until October 31, 2018.


III. Terms of delivery - The participant offering the best conditions for the provision of services and the lowest contract price is recognized as the winner of the tender


IV. Terms of payment


Upon delivery of the goods. Providing sample(s) is welcomed.


Information on the possibility of providing services must be submitted by November 30, 2018, indicating the cost and providing a copy of the enterprise's state registration document (Certificate), certificate of conformity, as well as other available permits.


V. Contacts: +99891 615-88-77



01.09.2018 The company announces a tender for the purchase of the following equipment. 05.10.2018





The company announces a tender for the purchase of the following equipment:


I. Subject of the tender


Product Name





Cylindrical Network Camera for Khorezm Branch

Manufacturer: Hikvision. Model: DS-2CD4AC5F-IZHS. 1/1.7-inch CMOS sensor with progressive scan. Resolution up to 12 MP in ultra-HD.

php Copy code

Full set of intelligent functions.

Motorized lens with Smart Focus function. Up to 128 GB built-in memory.

IR range up to 50 m. IP67




Dome Network Camera with IR for Indoor for Khorezm Branch

Manufacturer: Hikvision. Model: DS-2CD41С5F-IZ. Resolution 4000 x 3000

DWDR, 3D DNR, BLC. Triple stream. Smart VQD. Smart face detection. Smart audio detection. Intrusion detection.

Two-way audio, built-in microphone.

Anti-fog. Smart IR. Image overlay.

Region of Interest (ROI)



Outdoor IP Camera with EXIR illumination up to 80m for

Khorezm Branch

Manufacturer: Hikvision. Model: DS-2CD2T85FWD-I8. Resolution 8MP. 1/2.5" Progressive Scan CMOS. High sensitivity 0.01 lux. Support for H.264+ and H.265+ codecs. microSD slot up to 128GB. Hardware WDR 120dB. EXIR illumination up to 50m. Wide temperature range: -40°C...+60°C. IP67. Power DC12V / PoE






      II. Required documents :       


 -  Commercial proposal


               (with indication of payment terms and delivery periods)                  


                          - License                            


                         - Certificate        & nbsp;


III. Contact phone: +998903800040




        Publication date 29.08.2018     


01.08.2018 The company announces a tender for the purchase of the following equipment: 29.08.2018





The company announces a tender for the purchase of the following equipment:


I. Subject of the tender


Product Name





Pan-tilt IP Camera for Khorezm Branch

Model: Hikvision DS-2DF8836IV-AELW. Resolution: 8MP. Optical zoom: 36x. Smart video analytics. microSD slot up to 128GB. IR illumination up to 200m. Wiper. Wide temperature range: -40°C to +65°C. IP66, IK10.

php Copy code

Power AC24V/PoE





Turnstile for Khorezm Branch

Model: WD126D-1. "Portal" bidirectional passage with light indication of passage direction





IP Video Recorder for Khorezm Branch

Model: Hikvision DS-7716NI-I4/16P. Recording resolution up to 12MP. Support for cameras from other manufacturers. HDMI output with resolution up to 4K. VGA output with resolution up to 1080p. 16 PoE interfaces.

Alarm input/output 16/4. 4 SATA HDD up to 6TB. 2 USB2.0, 1 USB3.0





LCD Monitor

Model: Hikvision DS-D5019QD. 1366x768 HD display. Supports 170° viewing angle. 1 HDMI 1.3 input interface and support HDCP 1.2.






II. Required documents: 


- Commercial proposal


(with indication of payment terms and delivery periods) 


- License 


                            - Certificate                         


III. Contact phone: +998903800040




Publication date 29.08.2018